Best Ways to Promote Your Music Independently

No Label Deal, No Problem! Here Are The Best Ways To Promote Your Music Independently

There are so many artists out there that are looking to be heard. They have no record label, no backing and most of all, they have no idea where to start with marketing themselves. You may be asking yourself "How can I be successful when I have no record label to back me?"

Before you go any further, make sure that you understand these 7 steps for an effective music marketing plan. It will give you a solid overall guideline to follow.

Also you need to understand that just like anything else that you or a business is trying to market, your music should be treated the same. Read below to find out how to utilize Chance the Rapper’s marketing strategy.

Can Your Music Be Heard Without Marketing Backed From a Label?

Well, it is harder to market yourself without the backing of a record label, but it is not impossible. Chance the Rapper is living proof of that. He has garnered much praise for the route he has taken; his independence. Oh and he has yet to sell one single physical copy of his music; he gives his music away for free through streaming. This is the key to his marketing strategy: give away your music for free.

I know your are probably thinking that you cannot give your music away for free. I know that you have worked long and hard on your projects. Your music is your baby. Why should you give it away for free? What do you get in return?

Keep in mind that we are not looking to be normal; we are using Chance the Rapper’s marketing strategy.

Chance the Rapper Coloring Book

Believe it or not, giving your music away for free is a great marketing tool that you can utilize. If the music is great and you have a strong rapport with your target audience, then your free music will create the attention that you need and want. You must have purpose when giving your music away for free; it has to be strategic.

Check out to see what his brother, Taylor Bennett, is doing to generate buzz for himself. Read here.

If you have your marketing plan and strategy together, you can leverage this with influence marketers as well. Since you are independent, you look to target social media accounts with about 5,000 followers to be your army. Your goal with this, should be to focus on increasing engagement.

Not only does your music have to be on point, but you should be looking to create an experience and lifestyle for your audience. You can always do something crazy like get engaged like Chance the Rapper did recently to Kirsten Corley (just kidding) to boost awareness. But seriously, whatever you do, once you become popular you can better position yourself to leverage for more tangible source of revenue.

As you can see, you can also apply Chance the Rapper’s marketing strategy to better market yourself without the help of a big time record label. You can utilize the power of giving away free, high quality music. When done right, you will receive revenue back through a highly structured marketing plan. 

I want to stress to you that just by simply giving your music away for free will simply propel you to superstar status. There is so much more things you should do as well.

The goal for you should not be solely using Chance the Rapper’s marketing strategy, but also to create your own marketing strategy in the process. Everyone’s path will be different, so carve your own way and be successful.

If, you want more information about establishing a great marketing plan click here for more info or if you want some free marketing tips, click here.

Everyone Makes This Marketing Mistake (Did You?)

7 Steps for Creating an Effective Music Marketing Plan as an Independent