7 Must Haves for SEO Optimization

The Only SEO Guideline You Need: 7 Steps to Take to Rank on Google

This SEO guideline will help your content rank on google.

You may be thinking…

“What is so different with this SEO guideline compared to the countless other SEO guidelines out there?”

Well for starters, you do not have to pay a dime to increase SEO for your content nor do you have to pay someone else a lot of money to do something that you can do.

All it takes is a little time set aside a week to work on SEO for your content and some consistency.

We all know how fluid and organic SEO can be, so this SEO guideline is up-to-date for 2022.

Be sure to subscribe to us because will be updating this SEO guideline often when things need to be updated.

Enough of me talking, lets start the SEO guideline for 2022.

Step 1: Keyword Research

To optimize SEO for your site, you would want to research keywords to write about. You do not just want to start writing and pray that someone will see you content.

You can use tools such as Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, or Keyword Tool Pro for a more calculated topic to write about. When you’re utilizing these tools, you are looking for keywords with the most traffic, least competition, and a high CPC.

The reason you are wanting a high CPC is because people are willing to pay a high cost per click with greater ROI. These keywords tend to attract customers that are more likely to purchase from you.

Also these keywords stand to give you the best opportunity for fast results.

Step 2: Write Detailed Content

So you have researched keywords that have the best opportunity to attract customers willing to spend money on your site. The next step is to create detailed content centered around those keywords.

Make sure that your content is detailed and informative. Also, aim for skyscraper content that is longer than your competitor’s content.

Longer is better, in most cases, when it comes to content. Of course you just do not want long content, it also has to provide value to your audience and Google.

Utilize the keywords from the previous step. These keywords should be the anchor in your text.

Always look at your competitor’s content as well. Again, you are aiming top better, more detailed, and longer than you competition.

Step 3: Time to Share Your Content

Now it is time to share your content. Let us start with sharing on social media platforms.

Use tools such as BuzzSumo to optimize sharing on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. This will give the ability to search who has been sharing your competitor’s content on social media. 

Once you have researched who has been sharing your competitor’s content, you will reach out to those that shared the content right away. Tell them that you have similar, if not better, content than the competition, and they should share your content as well.

Because your content is more thorough and better, it should be a no brainer for them to share it. It is a win-win for both parties.

Next, you would want to input your competitor’s URLs into Ahrefs to see what other sites have linked out your competitor’s content.

Once you have obtained the necessary contact information, email to all everyone to present your content for them to link to as well.

Keep in mind that your content should more thorough and better than your competitor’s content. So it will be a win-win situation for all parties, except the competition.

After a few months, you should start to see significant traffic rolling to your site.

Step 4: Repurpose Your Content

Once you have several bog posts under your belt, you should start to repurpose your content.

This is step is pretty straightforward. You simply repurpose your content into other means of communication, such as podcasts or videos.

You may asking, “What exactly does repurpose content mean?”


You basically are taking an already successful piece of content that you have and convert it into content that is more beautiful, more likely to get better traffic and results, and more shares than your already successful content. Also you want that repurposed content in front of new eyes and ears, if possible.

Read more about repurposing content on Aloyda Solis’s blog, Repurposing Content: The Content Reusage Workflow.

Step 5: Optimize On-Page SEO

After you have completed the previous steps, you should look to optimize on-page SEO. On-page SEO is an easy way to ensure that Google can understand what your content is about.

If you have Wordpress, use a tool such as Yoast plug-in. If you are using Squarespace, there is no plug-in to use, but you are looking to maximize the same items for on-page SEO (i.e. keywords in title tags, meta description, etc).

Whether you are using Wordpress or Squarespace, you are wanting to optimize your meta description and title tags, while making sure your keywords are correctly implemented throughout your content page.

On-page SEO may seem simple, but it is nothing to take lightly. If done correctly, it will give a major boost to your content.

Step 6: Manage Your Time Better

Once you have gotten the hang of the previous steps, and you have done this many times over; you may not have enough time in the day or week to scale your business.

You should start to hire other people to help with some or all of the previous steps, while you concentrate on other aspects of your business.

You can go to platforms such as ProBlogger to hire a writer. They will be able to help create even more content for you.

Also, you would want to make sure that you are using some type of blogging checklist to ensure that the content is consistent and have everything your writer would need for your blog post.

After a while, you business will snowball into a much bigger machine. Then you may have to hire someone for each step; your team!

Step 7: Look to Expand Internationally

Once you have conquered everything in the previous steps, look to expand your content to other regions across the globe.

Take your most popular content and get someone to transcribe and translate it to adapt to other regions. You want to make sure that the content communicates well to the local market or region and nothing gets lost in translation.

You may want to hire someone from whatever region you are looking to enter. This will also help you to market more efficiently in those regions as well.

Use Ahrefs ranks to make sure that Google know that your content is intended for another region, such as Africa, Brazil, Europe, etc.

Once you have complete all steps in the SEO guideline, you will be an expert in your industry, rank #1 on Google, and have more opportunity to close your leads.

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